How to Become a Digital Marketer in Nepal? The beginners’ Guide.

Picture of digital marketers

A Digital Marketer is Communicator, Researcher, Psychologist, etc you name it. Did you know that?

Digital marketers aggregate and purchase customers’ attention with the help of research, communication, customers’ behavior, and interest. he is the one who CONNECTS customers with brands that may of products and services and/or interest in their life.

Although digital marketing is a part of our daily life at this time whether you are doing it purposely or just surfing around the web. We have to take this as one of the other career paths.

You should take this career like another professional career such as an engineer, doctor, chartered accountant, etc. You should understand that digital marketing is not a magic pill that you eat and get rich overnight.

It takes the same amount of effort, hard work, and investment as other professions mentioned above. But the difference is, in digital marketing, there is no time barrier. It depends on your capability, efforts, and hard work.

You can find tons of free resources on the web to consume these days. But you can’t rely only on the free resources because the word FREE is one of the most usable and common tactics of digital marketing and you often won’t get the valuable content you are looking for.

Right MindSet of digital marketer

You should be ready to invest in terms of time and money. Depending upon your time, effort, hard work, and investment, you can become a digital marketer in a short period, or it can take as long as other professional careers. This means it depends on you.

Related Post-: The sooner you know digital marketing the better.

Most like others, You may also have barriers and excuses in this career path. There is no online payment system in Nepal and most of the online courses are from a second country. You may have excuses like ” I am weak in English, I don’t have time, I don’t have money, I don’t have payment gateway bla.. bla.. bla…”

It is said that ” where there is a will, there is a way “. So if you want to become a digital marketer and learn digital marketing knowing it’s a huge opportunity and scope and/or it’s your passion then you should have to find a path. You have to remove the barrier and delete the excuses with the full power of determination. Nowadays online courses are also starting to be available in Nepal.

Network = Net Worth

This is the main foundation of digital marketing.

The main mantra to success in digital marketing and becoming a successful digital marketer is networking with your audiences, building relationships with them, and nurturing them with valuable contexts.

How do you network with audiences?

This seems a simple question but the whole digital marketing concept depends on it. If you can build your Network, Community/Tribe in other words, nothing and nobody will be able to stop you from becoming a successful digital marketer.

So how do you build your community/tribe/network then? The only way to do that is by influencing people. You have to understand the word “Influence” and have to be able to be an “Influencer”. It applies to all aspects of Digital Marketing, Online business, Coaching online, consulting online, and everything digitally.

You have to have the power to change someone or something with your value context indirectly but important way. For that, you have to be genuine, authentic, and organic in your field. You have to provide value regularly on your different mediums, channels, and platforms.

Look around you, your digital market – Neil Patel, Ryan Diess, Pat Flynn, Gary Vaynerchuk, Dan Lok, Tony Robinson, Russel Brunson, a few names among many more are great digital marketers and influencers.

Why they are so popular in the digital marketing field? because they give value first, they are authentic, they have their Network/Community/Tribe and they have systems to stand out in the competition.

digital marketer influence

This is the reason, you should always follow the value first strategy in digital marketing.

“People don’t like to be sold”

Let’s elaborate on it –

If someone comes to your door and says ” I have like this, like this products or services which is very good for you and your family. Explains the features of them and says I will give you in very cheap price. ” – like in old school marketing.

What would you do?

90% out of 100%, you won’t buy.

Do you know why?


  • You don’t know him
  • You don’t know the product and services
  • You don’t know its value and benefits
  • You are not familiar with the terms he used
  • You are not a part of his and/or his brand’s community
  • Finally, you don’t like to be sold

Related Post -: The secret sauce to success in digital marketing.

Therefore, to build your community/tribe, always give value first regularly, be authentic, try to nurture your community, try to impact their lives, and try to solve the problems they have first then success will automatically come to your door. You will be known as a successful digital marketer /influencer like the above-mentioned people.

” Money is the by-product of Success.” is one of the very good sayings I have heard. It applies in all fields of our life whether it’s online or offline. Your goal should be achieving success, not the money. Most people think that earning lots of money is a success. But the opposite is right.

Specialist, you have to be one. Only in a particular field.

As I mentioned above digital marketing career is no different from other professional careers. You don’t say only I am going to a doctor, you say I am going to the dentist, therapist, neurologist, surgeon, orthopedic, etc. Likewise, when it comes to the Engineer and Chartered Account, there are also lots of different fields.

You can not master it all. God shake, not in all. It is also not good and/or healthy practice to dirty your hands in every field. You won’t learn and gain nothing from that practice. So figure out what is your passion, and what are you good at, and then find out the field in which you can master.

Digital marketing is a huge subject (Don’t be afraid, you can learn everything one by one but have to specialize in one). It has many different sections/fields which you can choose as per your expertise, passion, and interest.

Freelancing, digital marketer

Though all the different sections/fields of digital marketing are interrelated and integrated when it comes to marketing, you have to learn step by step the basics (how much you need to accomplish your results ) and master one field.

Here is the list of those different sections and/or fields and/or paths of digital marketing which you can enter and master as per your interest. I have tried to list down most of them in this post, if any are left, you can add them to your list.

  1. Email marketing
  2. Customer Acquisition/Paid traffic / Facebook ad/Google ad/YouTube ad
  3. Search Marketing
  4. Search engine optimization(SEO)
  5. Analytics and Data/ Google Analytics
  6. Copywriting
  7. Customer Value Optimization (CVO) / Conversion Funnel
  8. E-commerce marketing
  9. Community Management
  10. Content marketing / Content writing
  11. Social and Community / Social Media Marketing
  12. Web Development / Web Designing
  13. App development / Mobile marketing
  14. Freelancing
  15. Coaching and consulting

Final Words

Do you know the concept of Rinse and Repeat? This is what I am talking about in this post till now. To become a successful Digital Marketer, First, you have to set the right mindset.

Second, you have to choose the right path according to your passion, expertise, and interest and master it.

Third, you have to build your community around the web. You have to give them value, have to nurture them and have to build an authentic relationship with them.

Rinse your community/tribe with consistent and loyal members to build a strong valuable community. Repeat the process from top to bottom. In this way, you will have your separate world on the web, where you can promote your businesses like every successful digital marketer is doing these days.

Take the first step in the journey of a digital marketing career. Download the blogging cheat sheet for beginners from the home page of Learn how to start a blog, and build your first asset on the web.

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