As you are on the journey to be a digital marketer. You should have a deep understanding of marketing, the law of marketing, and marketing fundamentals. It is the foundation of any business. The ability to transform your thoughts effectively into people’s minds is actual marketing.
Marketing is a process, a perception, and a message that is sent to the right person at the right time.
You are going to learn every aspect of marketing in this blog post to be a better marketer. While talking about digital marketing, Digital is just a medium. The important is marketing and marketing fundamentals. If you can master marketing and selling, then you have a secure and safe digital marketing career and business.
So, without waiting let’s dive in.
Table of Contents
The Law of Marketing
Simply every marketer or business person knows that marketing is promoting and selling products or services into the market. This is only a surface understanding of marketing.
Marketing is there before you think of marketing and developing your products and services for your business. It is rooted in human psychology. What should be the purpose of marketing is to develop products and services that fit customers’ needs. For that, you have to understand your target customers and their needs, the market, and market needs.
Only promoting and selling is not marketing. The science of retaining the existing customers happy with healthy communication and converting them into brand ambassadors of your products and services is also the marketing. Your prime marketing goal should be to build a brand and capture a position in the minds of your customers.
Advertising, Copywriting, and Sales are only the components of marketing. Being creative in copywriting, manipulating your customers through advertising even if the products or services are not good quality, and only talking about the sales, in the end, is not all about marketing.
Here is a quote from a great management person that will help you to understand better what marketing and marketing fundamentals are:
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself…. The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.” ——- Peter Drucker
Why should you invest your time and energy in learning marketing and marketing fundamentals?
The number one reason as mentioned above is when you master how to market and sell, you have got a safe and secure career and business.
You cannot do business either it is offline or online without understanding marketing and its fundamentals.
The topic of marketing has existed since the dawn of civilization and is rooted in human psychology thus has a long shelf life.
Marketing is unreplaceable by anything and any means coz it’s a game of perception. Unlike other careers and professions which you can see replaced and/or diluted by developing technology, marketing is the only career or profession that stands still and will stand in the future.
You will understand how to influence customers’ decisions, develop communication skills, become a good listener, more aware through marketing.
The most valuable investment in your business is marketing because it gives direct measurable returns to your business.
You cannot outsource the marketing for your business completely. It is not advisable and good which means you should learn and understand marketing and its fundamentals.
Traditional vs. digital Marketing

With the development of the internet, most marketers undervalued traditional marketing. But as a good marketer, you should not make the mistake of thinking traditional marketing is old-fashioned because traditional marketing still plays an important role in people’s lives. After all, marketing is marketing, only the way and medium have changed to convey your messages to the right customers.
Yes, traditional marketing is often expensive, difficult to measure your campaigns, and can’t directly interact with the customers. Yet, it is more memorable, permanent, impactful, and easy to understand. Whereas digital marketing is today’s marketing. It’s today’s demand. You have more options for engagement, easy to measure your campaigns, and makes clever targeting possible.
Everything has its pros and cons. Both traditional and digital marketing also have their pros and cons. As a marketer, you have to choose which one is suitable for your business and your company. If you have a generic product with a very wide targeting, you can go for traditional marketing whereas if you have a specific product for a specific group of people then definitely you should go for digital marketing.
You have to research and analyze the data that your target customers use and follow to consume information. Then accordingly as per your products and services, you can choose the marketing methods. There are tons of articles and blog posts on the internet on this topic because it is very important and one needs to know the topic in the field of marketing. You can refer to them and get more knowledge as you get just a touch of the topic in this blog post.
The Marketing Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
Now let’s look at what you are looking for. You have looked till now at the concepts of marketing and why you should learn it. As you are a digital marketer, here comes the main part you should know in point of digital marketing.
1. CATT Marketing funnel
When it comes to digital marketing, you will only get success when you have a proper funnel and marketing strategy for your digital business. Digital marketing is changing its algorithms, techniques, and methods as per technology development. So, you also have to change the perception of marketing. All the digital marketing processes should be synchronized and should work side by side.
As you learned every marketing of any business is processed to make transactions and/or sales. This leads you that the ultimatum goal of every business is to make money or profit along with value, transformation, and services.
CATT is one type of digital marketing funnel which is based on Niche and Content. It helps you to track down the customer’s engagement with your product and service
CATT stands for Content, Attention, Trust, and Transaction. This funnel teaches you how to create wealth through digital marketing and content marketing.
Wealth = n ^ CATT
Here “^” means power. Your niche will be successful and powerful when you apply the CATT funnel in your content marketing and business.
(n) – stand for a niche. The main role of the CATT funnel is your niche. The success and failure depend upon your niche selection for your digital marketing business. That is why you should take care and take the time to select your niche. It should not be too broad because it will be difficult to target your customer whereas when you choose a too narrow a niche, you will be out of your target customer.
Find your niche
You should choose your niche in between too broad and too narrow. Niche is nothing but the topic or subject you are going to write, educate, and develop content around. This will be your business because you will develop your products and services upon it. Therefore, you should understand very well and know your niche very well before starting your digital business. This link will give you details about how you choose your niche for your business. For now, here is a simple illustration of choosing or selecting your niche for your business.

Source: digitaldeepak.com
[C] – Stand for Content. After finalizing your niche according to your interest, passion, and market, it’s time to create that provides value to your customer. Your content should have the power to solve the problems, address the issues, and answer the questions that your customers have. You can provide the content to your customers in any form – text (blog post), audio (Podcast), video (YouTube), and infographics. Just have to be super valuable and useful to your customers.
[A] – Stand for Attention. Here in this funnel Attention means attracting traffic to your content. You can use SEO, social media, paid ads, referrals, and other digital marketing techniques to drive traffic to your content.
[T] – Stand for Trust. Now after driving attention to your content, it’s time to build trust. This is one of the cons of digital marketing you can communicate and connect with your target customers with personalized messages and emails directly. Besides this, you can build trust with your customers with tripwires, marketing automation, retargeting, deep marketing, and more.
[T] – Stand for Transaction. This is the step you and every marketer should focus on. Every marketer’s marketing goal is this, the transaction that gives every marketer money. So, the transaction means converting your leads into paying customers with natural sales methods.

2. Integrated Digital Marketing
Integrated digital marketing as its name defines it is the integration of multiple marketing strategies to form a cohesive online approach. While each marketing strategy (such as content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, paid ad campaigns, etc.) doesn’t impact on its own. But when you combine all the strategies in one bundle, it works like a machine and creates a more influential online presence.
You as digital marketing when starting your digital marketing business should not focus on only one marketing strategy and tactics. All the channels of digital marketing and its tactics are similarly important to drive traffic into your business. You should be able to unify and blend the strategies in such a way that you can convert a visitor into a paying customer to a loyal fan of your products and services.
By being consistent in every channel of digital marketing with an integrated marketing strategy, you can become memorable to your customers. Integrated digital marketing is one that you have to choose and follow for your business’s success. It is the one that is a well-structured and well-defined marketing plan. This marketing Framework is the kind of engine that runs the CATT funnel a full speed.
Here is an illustration of an integrated digital marketing system so that you can easily understand how it works all together.

3. Personal Branding
As a digital marketer, you should build your brand. You never get a second chance to make a first impression – make the one because the best-known will always beat the best one. When you are good at something and nobody knows you are good at it then what is the point? You have to set yourself apart from the competition, build trust, and reflect on who you are. Personal branding will help you to differentiate from your competitors and allow you to build trust with target customers.
People follow people and hear from people, not from brands. Your brand logo doesn’t speak for you. Your branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room. It is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you who you are.
The best example of a personal brand is Elon Musk. He is a bigger follower than his company SpaceX and Tesla. This is the power of the personal brand. A personal brand becomes an influencer and a brand ambassador for the companies that they run.
The only con of the personal brand is – it cannot be invested in and cannot be sold. The top pro of a personal brand is – it can give rise to many brands from his/her influences. Thus personal branding is one of the most essential skills for you as a marketer, a content creator, and a storyteller to the world.
The Evolution of a Personal Brand/Mass Trust Blueprint
When you are going to build your brand in the field of digital marketing. These are the steps you follow to build a successful personal brand. It’s all about trust and you are learning till now marketing fundamentals in which trust has a very vital role. Good communication and influence with tons of value build trust with your customers. That is why these steps or techniques you have to follow to build a personal brand are also called Mass Trust Blueprint.

- Learn: Learn a new skill through concepts, facts, and procedures. Understand the concepts. Remember the facts and practice the procedures.
- Work: Put your newfound skills to work. Go from practice to implementation. Implementing it in the real world will give you a better understanding. Here work stands for Job/Freelancing/Own projects etc.
- Blog: Write about what you have learned and experienced through your work. When you write, you understand it better, but you will also start building your brand.
- Consult: Now that you have a personal brand through your blog, have work experience, and have learned the fundamentals. Start consulting other businesses instead of working for them.
- Mentor: Mentor others who want to become like you. Mentoring will help you scale your understanding to a whole new level. It gives you a whole new level of clarity on your niche.
- Startup: Start your own product or service business with the understanding that you have developed about the market, the problem, and your skills.
Set your financial goal based on digital marketing fundamentals
Now you have your Marketing funnel and the marketing strategy to run that funnel smoothly. You have already learned how to build your brand and its impact on your digital marketing business. The only missing points are:
Communication skill: There is a very important role of communication in marketing. Good marketing is all about good communication. The simple, powerful, and straightforward technique of communication in marketing is the transformation of your thoughts and message to the target customers. You don’t have to be sophisticated in English for marketing. Good communication doesn’t care about vocabulary or grammar. Simply write as you talk. What you have to be careful of is when writing doesn’t start a new conversation, just try to enter the conversation that is already in your targeted customer’s mind.
Global Economics in Marketing: Not only digital marketing but every marketing needs to understand global economics. After all, every entrepreneur and marketer does marketing for some profit and makes a decision based on the economics of the country as well as of the world. Recession, Debt, and other necessary financial terms of economics should be understood by every marketer and entrepreneur.
In this way, by learning these missing points and understanding them, you have completed the marketing fundamentals that are necessary for your business. Are you ready to set your financial goal?
You should your financial goal in Crore. You may hear the saying that dream big and dream high. But the time frame depends on your procedure, skill, and commitment to achieve that goal. Here is a simple graphic that shows you different ways to achieve a Crore in your bank account.

Final words
Marketing provides value and benefits for the customers, emotionally connects with them, and motivates them to purchase or take other desired actions. In other to succeed in business, you need marketing in your business. Marketing helps your business to stay top-of-mind with your targeted customers.
By being a master in marketing fundamentals and selling, you can secure your career and business. Sale is the number one skill that everybody should acquire.
This is the end of this blog post, How do you like the post? Thanks for reading to the end and if you have any confusion or any queries, please feel free to ask in the comment section. If you like this post, don’t forget to share. Happy Marketing………..